BURN PERMITS: Kalmar Township is no longer allowed to issue BURN PERMITS.  All permits should be obtained from the DNR; here is their website: LINK

PERMITS: Applications for all types of permits (Zoning, Building, Conditional Use, Metes&Bounds, etc) are handled for the Township by TCPA (Township Cooperative Planning Association). If you have questions about zoning, property splits or permits - contact David Meir / Jered Staton at 507-529-0774 or visit them at www.tcpamn.org . Olmsted County now provides contact information for permits, inspections, wells, septics at this website

Dust Control Policy

Application of dust controlling chloride is scheduled one time per year.  This spring time application is coordinated with the Township’s road maintenance contractor and paid for by Kalmar Township.

When higher than expected road use due to detours from other State, County and/or Township projects causes premature gravel loss or produces more dust than usual, the Township may provide additional dust control at no extra charge to residents along affected township roads.

There should be no expectation that residents who purchase additional chemical with their own money will be reimbursed without having obtained written permission from the Board of Supervisors prior to the work being done.  Any chloride application MUST be coordinated with Supervisors prior to being done in order to not interfere with Kalmar Township’s scheduled road maintenance.

SNOW DEPOSITED INTO ROADWAY: Reminder - By state law (MN Statute 160.2715) it is a misdemeanor to place or deposit snow/ice in any township road or its right-of-way. The right-of-way extends 33 feet from the road center line to each side. Also, Kalmar Township is not liable for damage to trash containers that are set in the road right-of-way; they must be kept away from plow lanes.



FREE MONEY: Kalmar residents can get reimbursement for disposal of appliances, electronics, mattresses and tires. The reimbursement form and an informational letter can be found under the Documents tab.  Receipts must be received by the clerk no later than Dec 1st

GOPHER BOUNTY: (Federal law requires the Township to submit a 1099 form for anyone receiving over $600 in payments per calendar year.  See your options on the form and indicate which you have selected.)

*Kalmar Township encourages trappers to take gopher bodies to Oxbow, where they will be used to feed the Raptors.